Saturday, November 21, 2015


   Thanksgiving is fast approaching and to get myself into the festive mood, I thought I would write a post about it. Thanksgiving is a holiday I hold very dear in my heart. A lot of people do not view Thanksgiving as a fun holiday. Maybe because they don't get gifts, or because they have to see those cousins they hate. However, for me Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays (I mean come on you can eat your body weight in food and not feel bad about it.)
  Not only is food an amazing aspect of Thanksgiving, but so is seeing family. Now I know, a lot of people probably hate seeing relatives. Trust me I have my fair share of annoying family members. In my case, family I don't see at all during the year come to my Grandma's house. I think is why I love the holiday so much. Getting to see my family is such a blessing. We always have so much fun, even though I usually get stuck babysitting all of the little ones. 
 Where I live, we usually don't get a bitter winter until late December. For Thanksgiving, we usually have the perfect weather. It's always cold enough to wear our winter clothes, but not too cold. We can still go outside and have fun without freezing our faces off. It's super fun to take all my little cousins to the park right next to my Grandma's house. This usually keeps them entertained for like three hours (and I have an excuse to swing on the swing set.)  I think everyday we take what we have for granted. Thanksgiving isn't just a time for pigging out. it is also a time for acknowledging what we have been given. Wether thats family, food, shelter, etc. we all have things to be grateful for. 

   I wanted to take this time to shine some light on organizations that help families in need have an amazing Thanksgiving. is having donations for money to help women and girls get the care they need. ( )

 Feeding America is taking donations to provide meals specifically for Thanksgiving to families. They are donating food in exchange for your donation of money. ( )

 You can ask your local churches and organizations if they are doing any food drives. Also, with Christmas fast approaching, it is a great time to be donating gifts for children in need. Don't forget to give back this holiday season. 


Saturday, November 7, 2015

For a Girl

   You hear stories in history class about "how far women have come." Many women are proud to live in this generation, because we are "the future."  Don't get me wrong, we have come a very far way as women's rights go. However, we are lightyears away from achieving equality among men and women.
It saddens me that women and girls are still categorized and demeaned due to our gender.
  My first topic is about the dress code in public (and some private,) schools. I recently wrote a speech on this topic, and I would like to share it in another post. For now, I will briefly go over what was in my speech. My school has a dress code so that girls will not distract boys from learning. Notice how the girls get punished and shamed for the boy's actions. Throughout the speech, I mentioned how hard it is for girls to plan outfits everyday. It can be 100 degrees outside (as it is quite often,) and I will still be forced to wear jeans and a long sleeve tee shirt. We are taught at a very young age that clothing is what makes us "sluts" or "hoes." We are taught that us girls are the one's with a problem. Peggy Orienstien from The New York Times, said in an article, "Telling girls to cover up just as puberty hits, teaches them that their bodies are inappropriate, dangerous, and violable. It teaches them that their bodies are a constant scrutiny to judgement, by the adults whom they trust. Nor does it help them to understand their culture's role in their wardrobe choices." I love what she has to say here, especially about our culture. We are a growing and thriving nation. How are we supposed to represent our culture with wardrobe restrictions put on us? How is, "Boys will be boys," a justifiable excuse in a world full of rape and harassment? News flash to schools; there is no dress code on the streets. How about we teach boys to respect women and not to sexualize us?
   My next topic is the saying of "You do ____ well for a girl." We constantly hear the expression of "for a girl" in our everyday lives. Usually this term is used with sports. I'm personally told all the time by boys that they can "beat me at the sport I play." Now when I ask these boys why they think that they can beat me (considering they don't even play the sport,) they simply say "because I'm a boy." The way they say it aggravates me as well. They say it as though it's obvious that just because of their gender, they are superior. Obviously a basketball player could beat me in basketball, boy or girl. This is because I don't play basketball, whereas other people may practice daily. Just because you are a boy, does not mean you can beat me in a sport I've practiced my whole life. That's like comparing a first grader to a senior, but saying that the senior is smarter due to gender. Obviously the senior has just had more opportunities to learn more than the first grader. Gender has nothing to do with skill and ability.

  In the Bible (please put up with the religious talk, I promise it won't be in every post. However, religion is apart of my life so I will mention it sporadically,) it says that God created men to be leaders and women to be helpers. Now whenever you here the word "leader," you automatically think of a dominate position. When you think of the word "helper," you think of almost a sidekick figure. However in the Bible, it goes on to say that men and women are created equal. A man could not be without a woman; a woman could not be without a man. That does sound extremely sexist, "a woman could not be without a man." I see it as though men and women are obviously very reliant on each other. I mean you can't have a baby without a man and a woman. A woman is reliant on a man in ways, and a man is reliant on a woman in ways. The term "helper," has been demeaned by society. A helper is it's own authorial status. The definition of "helper," has been changed throughout history. Women have been powerful, strong, and brilliant since the beginning of time.

  Now I realize that there was a lot of negative things about men in this post. However, the goal of this piece was not to demean men, that is hypocritical. I do believe that a lot of men out there demean women to a certain point, but not all men are monsters. There are amazing men out there who love and support women through everything. I do not wish to see a world where women have taken over. I want to see men and women live in harmony together. I want women to have as many opportunities as men, and vice versa. Never let a man tell you who you are and what you are capable of. You are so much more than "just a girl." I am deeply saddened that some people believe that being a girl makes them inferior. Go be the best girl you can be. As for men, I beg that you give women the respect they deserve.


Thursday, November 5, 2015


   I've always wanted to be a writer. I've loved reading for as long as I can remember. I think the beautiful thing about writing, is that you can write the book of your dreams. You know when you have an amazing book and you just think, "I know I'm going to love this book so much," and you can hardly put it down. I think with writing, you can plan out your ideal book.
  Blogging is definitely not the same as fictional novels, but hopefully my writing career could start here. I'm making this blog to share my opinions and personal stories. If you do not agree with my opinions, please feel free to comment. The only "rule" I have on this blog, is that you keep your comments kind and appropriate. I think debates are beautiful. Hearing someone talk about something they are so passionate about and defending it is amazing.

  I'm just warning you I will make typos. I may leave out a comma where there should have been one, or spell a word wrong. Please be patient with me (I ramble and have crazy run on sentences. You will learn to deal with me :)
   I am a passionate believer in God. There is SO much religious debate out there. Yes I may mention my faith throughout this blog, however I will NEVER say in this blog that your opinion on religion is invalid. I may not agree with your opinion, but I will never say that my religion is "superior" to yours. You are entitled to your belief as I am to mine. The last thing I want on this blog is to go at it with someone over religion.

  After this post, I am working on another about how women are treated and categorized in this world. This topic is one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging. I love to share my opinions and I think a blog is a good place to house them. I will share photos, stories, etc. throughout my journey on this blog. Fingers crossed you guys actually like me. Who knows maybe one day I could be like Zoella (even though I highly doubt it.)

  There will be serious posts and there will be serious ones. I will most likely be super hyper whenever the silly ones are posted. I can promise you there will be rants about songs and shows. You will hear a lot about The Vampire Diaries. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope I can connect with a lot of people through this blog.

   - R